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Everyday English Online. What is the secret to success in learning English?
Find out how we deliver results — focus on language fluency and proficiency

Step-by-step strategy to reach your goals
During the first few lessons the teacher and the student establish a working relationship so that the education process is pleasant and stress free
The student gradually loses the fear and anxiety of speaking English. All thanks to the caring support and professionalism of the teacher
The student gets involved and speaks English with the help of various immersive methods and tools. The student is less afraid of making mistakes or being misunderstood
The student then moves onto the stage where it is easier to both understand and be understood. The student expands vocabulary and becomes more fluent and confident in speaking English
The student overcomes the language barrier and learns to express thoughts and emotions on various topics, using critical thinking and mental analysis
English becomes an integral part of the student's life — the student feels motivated to learn something new every day, with a teacher and independently
The focus begins to shift from fluency to proficiency — more time is given to correcting mistakes and mastering all the theoretical nuances of the English language
The student reaches the point where the teacher is not needed and the student can continue learning without the teacher's help, using a wide variety of resources
The secret of learning English from fluency to proficiency
The teaching strategy at Everyday English Online consists of 2 main steps:
At the first stage you acquire language fluency with your teacher's help
What is fluency?
The ability to freely express your thoughts in English without having to “translate” them in your head from one language to another
Confident speaking, when you can easily express everything you want. To be understood, even if you make many mistakes
The ability to think in English. A clear result of regular conversational practice with a qualified teacher and 100% immersion into the language environment
Only at the second stage can the acquired fluency transform into proficiency — true language mastery
At this stage you:
Speak English easily and confidently, without tension or language barriers in any spontaneous or unexpected situations
You easily understand any native speech, unadapted articles, original literature without a dictionary, using a contextual analysis method and your vast experience
You have a level of knowledge and skills that is close to the native speaker level. Your language is filled with idioms and expressions that are used by native speakers in everyday life.
Methodology of
Everyday English Online
  • We use the renowned National Geographic Learning® materials.
    Students are immersed in the real world instead of imaginary situations often used in regular textbooks
  • Our communication approach lets you see fast and powerful progress in the language — you start talking from day one. Not just memorizing grammar rules
  • 100% English Only Classroom — this method activates your maximum ability to express your thoughts in English. You simply don’t have the chance to use your native language in class (and this is great news!)

  • A special intensive technique helps you expand vocabulary — while learning and actively using new words, you automatically improve other language areas (reading, grammar and listening)
Language learning as a concept — applied via the prism of real life
People are naturally curious — we use this curiosity to motivate each student and immerse students into the language
You don't have to force yourself to study — you are already interested in learning the new material and discussing various topics with your teacher or in your group
English becomes less of a "school lesson", but more like an effective tool for understanding the global world
With the help of the English language, you study the culture of different countries and people, not to mention explore the amazing places of our planet
Want to know how Everyday English Online can make your dream come true?
Start speaking English without fear!